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Batman Detective Comics (2021) Hardcover Volume 02 Fear State

Batman Detective Comics (2021) Hardcover Volume 02 Fear State

DC Comics

  • 2999

Art by Dan Mora, Viktor Bogdanovic, Darick Robertson, Max Raynor, David Lapham and more Fear State grips Gotham City! When Mayor Nakano s City Hall office finds itself under siege, the only hero who can help the embattled local official is the man he ran on a platform to rid Gotham of: Batman. It s the top vigilante in the city who must protect the man who s fought so hard to put an end to masked heroes, in an action-packed car chase that culminates in a shocking ending that ll give readers nightmares. Collects selections from Detective Comics #1041-1045 and Batman Secret Files: Huntress #1!

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