ATLANTIS ATTACKS #1 (OF 5) (W) Pak, Greg (A) Anindito, Ario (C) Kim, Rock-He MARVEL COMICS StockID: 133522 Diamond#: NOV190861
WAR WITH THE WATER KINGDOM! The armies of ATLANTIS face ATLAS in a showdown destined to shake allegiances and break hearts! AMADEUS CHO- SILK- WAVE- SHANG-CHI- and all the heroes of the Atlas have bonded with each other after the challenges of WAR OF THE REALMS. But when a terrible secret incurs the wrath of KING NAMOR- who's the true friend -- and who's the true enemy? A titanic tale of love and betrayal- heroes and monsters- gods and underdogs -- plus the shocking return of JIMMY WOO and the original AGENTS OF ATLAS!
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