BOOK IS NM (W) Parrott, Ryan (A) Mora, Dan (C) Mora, Dan BOOM! STUDIOS StockID: 149084 Diamond#: APR201350
* The Ranger Slayer - a.k.a. Kimberly Hart- the Pink Mighty Morphin Power Ranger from the alternate universe once ruled by Lord Dakkon - returns home and nothing is like she expected. * In a world that only knows her as a villain- can Kimberly show her universe that she's become a hero... and is that even the right thing to do? * Confronted by a terrifying new version of Rita Repulsa and her home in chaos- Kimberly will make a stunning choice that no Power Rangers fan can miss. * This issue is also a perfect jumping on point for new readers - and sets the stage for the next Power Rangers epic!
Final art may vary and will have trade dress (logos) unless stated in title that it will be a virgin cover.