Midnight Launch Party 9PM-Midnight
Posted by Jamie Colegrove on
Midnight Launch Party 9PM-Midnight Take advantage of rare extended evening hours and be the first to get your hands on the new DC Rebirth #1 at 11:59pm on Tuesday, May 24th! We will be not be closing that Tuesday until just after midnight, so pop by for some late night shopping. Pick up all of your new this week titles while you're here! Event location: Packrat Comics Hilliard Location Only Celebrate the legacy of the DC Universe that you know and love with the start of this new series! The first issue of Rebirth is 72-pages and only $2.99,...
- Tags: dc, DC Rebirth, Midnight Launch Party, SUPER SALE
Free Comic Book Day 2016
Posted by Jamie Colegrove on
Free Comics, comic creators, free screen printing on your shirt, science experts, costume contest and entertainment! 3 FREE COMICS. Extra comics can be purchased with nonperishable food items! Guests joining us for FCBD 2016! Dirk Manning Sean & Stephanie Forney Seth Lyons JD Larabee Tom Williams Travis Perkins Superhero Science with Dr. Pyatt & Dr. Mushalko Panel Sessions starting at 12pm! Enjoy skits, book reviews, stand up comedy and more during our 6 hour panel session marathon. Schedule of Activities: 10AM: DOORS OPEN! - FREE SWAG FOR THE FIRST 100 PEOPLE IN LINE! Includes a...
Tabletop Game Day
Posted by Jamie Colegrove on
Join us for the fourth annual Tabletop Game Day celebrating the magical goodness that is board games, friends, fun and food! I love me some good game snackages! We've got plenty of games in stock and feel free to bring some of your own. As an added bonus, we're giving away some games as well. So stay tuned for the list of FREE BOARD/CARD GAMES! Seasons, Seven Dragons, Oz Fluxx, Adventure Time Fluxx, Regular Show Fluxx, Settlers of Catan: Candamir, Catan, Barbarossa, Elk Fest, and Hot Tin Roof are just a few of the FREE games you can take home!
- Tags: Tabletop Game Day
Schedule of Weekly Activities - Hilliard
Posted by Jamie Colegrove on
Monday - Monday Night Board Game Night - 6:00 pm till 8.00 pm. Free open gaming with access to our demo library or bring your favorite games to teach and play. Wednesday - 11:00 am till 8:00 pm. New comics day Thursday - Thursday Night Board Game Night - 6:00 pm till 8.00 pm. Free open gaming with access to our demo library or bring your favorite games to teach and play. Friday - MTG Friday Night Magic Starts at 7:00 Saturday - Art School 9:30 am till 2:00 Sunday - YuGiOh Starts at 1pm; Wizkids Game Play...
- Tags: Night Board Game Night
Oath of the Gatewatch Pre Release
Posted by Jamie Colegrove on
Packrat will be hosting a Pre-Release tournament for the latest expansion of Magic the Gathering – Oath of the Gatewatch. Sanctioned events between January 16-17. The first will be a Midnight Release event. Players use their packs to create a 40 card minimum deck (including as much basic land as needed). We will play 4 rounds and you'll be awarded packs based on your win record. Prize Support: Based on record 4-0 = 6 packs Oath /2 other 3-1 = 4 packs Oath /2 other 2-2 = 1 pack Oath /1 other 1-1 = 1 other COST-$30 per event and...